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Past Projects

Hawaiian Inn Condominiums,
Daytona Beach, FL.

Project Type

Construction of a new steel sheet pile seawall.

Project Details

🏆 2024 Project of the Year Award 🏆

Construction of steel sheet pile seawall with a steel reinforced concrete cap, triple helix, helical tie-back anchors. Restabilize undermined north tower using flowable fill to bring negative pressure back under foundation. Import and install appx. 8,000 tons of beach compatible fill. Installation of powder coated aluminum guard rail on cap. Construction of wooden dune walkover.

Project Duration

6 mos.

Days Inn Tropical Shores,
Daytona Beach, FL.

Project Type

Construction of a new steel sheet pile return wall and repair of storm water drainage system.

Project Details

Construction of a steel sheet pile seawall return, with a steel reinforced concrete cap and column system to tie into existing concrete seawall. Installation of triple helix, helical tie-back anchors and mid-whaler system. Installation of 4” Jet Filter weep holes. Install new concrete drainage box with ”E-Inlet” and tie in 18” perforated HDEP storm water system pipe. Import and install beach compatible fill.

Project Duration

1 mo.

St Maarten Condominiums,
Daytona Beach, FL.

Project Type

Construction of an FRP (Composite) Sheet pile seawall, with steel reinforced concrete cap and triple helix, helical anchor tiebacks. The full restoration of the stormwater drainage system.

Project Details

The construction of a replacement FRP “composite” seawall, with a steel reinforced concrete cap and helical anchor tie-backs. Site restoration consist of the importation and installation of 2,000 tons of beach compatible sand fill. The replacement of the buildings storm water system using 36” perforated HDPE pipe wrapped in 57 stone and filter fabric.

Project Duration

5 mos.

Ocean Shore Blvd.,
Ormond Beach, FL.

Project Type

The construction of a new vinyl seawall, with a steel reinforced concrete cap and steel reinforced concrete curb deadmen.

Project Details

The construction of a new vinyl seawall with a steel reinforced concrete cap, and steel reinforced concrete deadmen tie-back system. Site restoration included the installation of an artificial dune with natural plantings, importation of beach compatible fill, and the installation of  1,800 SF of Zoysia Sod.

Project Duration

1 mo.

White Surf Condominiums,
Daytona Beach, FL.

Project Type

Construction of a replacement steel sheet pile seawall, with a 24” x 24” steel reinforced concrete cap and helical anchor tie-backs. Appx. 480LF.

Project Details

Restoration of a hurricane damaged property. Construction consisted of An initial shoring phase to protect building against any further damage. Removal of shoring. The Construction of a 480 LF seawall with steel reinforced concrete cap. Helical anchor tie-backs installed At 10’ O.C.. The installation of 4” Jet filter weep holes at 10’ O.C. and the import and installation of 3,500 tons of FDEP approved beach sand.

Project Duration

4 mos.

S. Atlantic Ave,
New Smyrna Beach, FL.

Project Type

Construction of a replacement composite sheet pile seawall, with a 24” x 24” steel reinforced concrete cap and concrete deadmen anchor tie-backs. Appx. 530LF.

Project Details

Restoration of a hurricane damaged property. Construction consisted of An initial shoring phase to protect building against any further damage. The construction of a 530 LF seawall with steel reinforced concrete cap. Deadmen anchor tie-backs installed At 8’ O.C.. And  the installation of 4” Jet filter weep holes at 10’ O.C.

Project Duration

6 mos.

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East Coast Marine Construction & Design is your best choice for residential, municipal, and commercial marine construction projects in Central and Northeast Florida. Our comprehensive services, unmatched expertise, and commitment to quality make us the preferred partner for all your marine construction needs.

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